English (A-K-Q-J) designs are listed below in alphabetical order. See separate pages for Dutch French Swedish
ACBL FC Very large and bold suit symbols, especially on the Aces. Oblong 10.
ACBL OLD Rather slim font. Rather low horizontal line in the A and Q.
ACBL PLASTIC Distinctive Q. Spade and diamond suit symbols are also special. High heel on 2. High hats on J and K.
BARON Spade A and the club symbol are distinctive. Very low dip in the heart symbol.
BARON PLASTIC Ash grey plastic. High waist on 3, but low ditto on 4. French style clubs. Ace of Spades branded.
BRIDGE BUDDY A+ (Mk IV) Branded spade A. Distinctive 5 and 3.
BRIDGE BUDDY Split A (Mk IV) Branded spade A. Distinctive 3.
CM NBB Branded spade A. Rather sad looking court cards.
DULIMATE STANDARD Branded spade A. Barcode does not reach the edge of the card. Orange diamonds and grey clubs.
DULIMATE SYMMETRIC JF606 Branded spade A. Barcode does not reach the edge of the card. Orange diamonds and grey clubs.
FOURNIER 580 Solid black clubs and red diamonds Clubs are also bold. Spade A an C4 marked Fournier.
JANNERSTEN HD "PO" 491 on the spade A. Tanned faces. Grey clubs, orange diamonds. Clubs in thin, French, style. Barcoded, plastic
JANNERSTEN LARGE PLASTIC Duplimate on the spade A. Pale faces. Grey rather small, thin, clubs in French, style. Barcoded..
JANNERSTEN PLASTIC "Plastic" on the spade A. High waist on 5 and 3, low on 9.
JUMBO Spade A branded.. High "waist" on 3 and 5.
NORDLAND Long "tail" on Q to the right but the tail does not pass the 0 to the left. Hook on 7 and two, No brand name but distinctive spade A
OFFASON 7 BAR Distinctive court card design. Green clubs. "Roof" on A. Distinctive Q.
OFFASON SYMMETRICAL 7 BAR SIC symmetrical. Green clubs. Swedish type of court card illustrations
PIATNIK N TYPE Peak shaped endings on some ranks (e.g. 7). Suit symbol in index differs from the large suit symbol. Distinctive Q.
PIATNIK TIGER Branded spade A. Peak shaped endings on some ranks (e.g. 7). Suit symbol in index differs from the large suit symbol. Distinctive Q.
SUPERLUXE LARGE Very distinctive and bold font for the rank.
Superluxe The Superluxe option can be used for a selection of designs
SUPERLUXE GRIMAUD No "flag" on 4 and 5. Rather big ranks.
SUPERLUXE JANNERSTEN Branded "Jannersten" spade A . Rather big (bold) skin coloured court card faces. Round shape on Q and 0 in 10.
SUPERLUXE OLD Not branded. "Flag" on 4 and 5. Also rather distinctive 7. Pale faces. Different spade symbol on the court cards.
SUPERLUXE SYMMETRIC JF404 Branded spade A. Twin spades and hearts. Orange diamonds and grey clubs.
SUPERLUXE TRADITIONAL (JF450) Branded spade A. "Hanging" spades, orange diamonds and grey clubs. Distinctive Q.