

Licence for another PC

The process becomes much more cumbersome when you need to apply for a licence from another PC than the one to be used for the scoring. This is because the User ID MUST come from the PC where the licence is to be used.

you need to copy the User ID from System/Licence details in BridgeTab Admin on the scoring PC

Second, open the System/Get test licence for other PC dialog on a PC that is connected to the Internet.

Paste the scoring User ID that you got from the scoring PC into the For Id box (as shown in the dialog above) and submit the application.

Check that it says another PC in the confirmation message (shown to the right.

Third, copy the code that you get by return and paste it into the System/Load licence code dialog on the on the the scoring PC..


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1. Copy the User ID from the System/Licence dialog on the scoring PC.

2. Select System/Buy licence for other PC on a PC that is online and paste the User ID from the scoring PC into the form that appear.

3. Copy the activation code that you will get to the email address that you entered when you applied for the licence.

4. Open the System/Load licence code dialog (shown below) on the scoring PC and paste the activation code into that dialog.

Licence not valid
means that the activation code has been corrupted. Check that you did not miss to copy the first or last character(s). See corrupted licence(s) if problem persists.

The other error messages should be self explanatory.

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