You should enter the parameters that you want to appear in this dialog at the start of each new event in the Default Settings.
FROM/TO BOARD Indicates the lowest and highest board no. in the set.
COPIES You will end up with 3 duplicates of each board within the range (1-26 in the example) if you insert e.g. "3" in this field. The function is explained more in detail on the Copies page.
An asterisk in this field has the effect that there will be no limit of how many duplicates you can do.
ALL COPIES BEFORE SWITCH This alternative is useful if you want to duplicate several boards with the same number before you switch to the next deal.
REVERSED ORDER Tick this box if you want to start with the highest board number and then duplicate in descending order.
TYPE OF INDICES You can disregard this setting if you use English indicies (A-K-Q-J), or barcoded cards. That is to say, you only need to set the type of indices if you use non barcoded cards with e.g. Dutch, French or German indices. You can use English indices in combination with the set type.
Note that type of language can only be set in the Default Settings. Also note that BOS must be restarted when you have changed the index type
AUTO BOARD NO. Automatic board no. means that the board no. sticker on the back of the inserted board will govern which deal that will be duplicated. That is to say, the boards need not to be duplicated in sequence when this setting is enabled (ticked). c.f. the board number out of range page.
STOP CARD Stop card can be used to avoid that you mix up decks when all backs are identical. This option implies that you put an extra card between deals (preferably upside down).
DECK SORTED (chronological) You can use this option if you must duplicate non barcoded cards with a Duplimate. Note that the output will not be cross checked by the machine unless the cards are barcoded.
The order of the cards must be: Spade Ace, King, Queen...2, Heart Ace, King...2, Diamond Ace, King...2, Club Ace, King...2. That is to say, the first card that the machine shall pick up must be the deuce of clubs and the last card (on top of the deck) the Ace of Spades.