SOFTWARE Our dealing machines come with a comprehensive, yet easy to use software package containing everything you wanted. Anything that can be dealt, can be duplimated. The software gives you the following possibilities: i. Random dealing (tournaments) ii. Previously dealt hands iii. Edited hands (classes) iv. Restricted dealing (e.g. 1 NT opening throughout) v. Reading of hand-dealt boards vi. Import/export of deals to/from various formats vii. Double dummy analysis viii. Many print options and easy to tailor make your own handrecord layout(s) ix. Complimentary web site with automatic publication of deals and results (when combined with BridgeTabs).
THE DEALING PROCEDURE With the machine you get stickers to put on the back of the boards. This gives you several possibilities. You can insert the boards at random order and the machine will tell how many copies you have made of each number. Or you can chose ascending/descending and let the machine check that you get a stack of boards in the desired order. The duplicated boards are crosschecked and the software will tell what went wrong when an error is found. For example that there is no spade nine, or that there are two spade nines (and where to find these nines). That is to say, you need not worry about fouled boards. The board is OK if the machine tells you that it is OK:
WARRANTIES Our dealing machines come with extra ordinary warranties, c.f. the small print.
PRICES We keep prices down, see price list, and we are happy to send you a quote. Note that HandyDup is a low budget alternative.
COST Price is not the same thing as cost. We recommend you take the high throughput, the generous warranties and the fact that there are no running costs for service into account when you make your total cost of ownership calculation. You find examples that you can use as a template at
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Click here to study the technical specification
More info Click here to email Eric Lam for more specific information and/or a quote. Alternatively you can call, or send a letter, see further Contact us. You may also contact the Help desk, about pure technical questions.