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BridgeTab (tablet)

Most questions are answered immediately by the inbuilt help that you access by clicking on the ? button in the THE SITUATION THAT YOU NEED HELP WITH.

You find a search function at the bottom of every help page. You can search everywhere or restrict your choice to (only) the BOS program, the BridgeScorer Control (BSC) program, the BridgeTab Admin (BT admin) program or the BridgeTab (BT) application that the tabletops use.

If you do not find the answer to your questions that way, please check what is available in the Download Library and/or use the Personal Help option that you find in the BT Admin’s Help menues.

PC off line
You will see the help pages that you got with the BOS package setup if the PC is off line. Another drawback with off line mode is that Web Publish and the external links won't work. That is to say, connect the scoring PC to the Internet, if at all possible.

You can  search via the List function below, or study the Manual that you find on the Desktop after installation, if your PC is off line.

You can use the Personal Help option that you find in BridgeTab Admin’s Help menu if you do not find what you are looking for in the inbuilt help. See a separate page for the function.

Note that personal Help requires a (paid) service agreement, c.f. the BridgeTab site.

You are advised to select your preferred language in BOS/Preferences/Language, if your PC has an appropriate connection to the Internet. This is so because the translation of the Help pages requires that the PC is on line.

BridgeTab Admin pages:

BridgeTab application pages

BOS pages:

BridgeScorer Control pages:

DupSoft pages: .

BT app (only)

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BT Admin (only)

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BSC (only)

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BOS only

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