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Click the option that you want to perform. Note that not all options are available at all times. It is for example not possible to export deals if the event does not contain any deals.

The interface is divided into 7 separate groups:

- Generate a set of [random] deals with DupSoft. (Only available so long as there are no deals)

Import - Import deals from a .dlm, .dup, .lin or .pbn file into DupSoft. (Only available when there are no deals)

Reading deals - Register (played) hands via DupSoft, i.e. let a dealing machine read played deals. (Only available when there are no deals).

Tailor make - Create deals with certain criteria in DupSoft. (Only available when there are no deals).

Type deal - The deals are entered via the keyboard card by card. (Only availableso long as there are no deals.)

Hand dealing - Starts DupSoft to deal hand shuffled decks. (This option is only available so long as there are no deals)

Edit - Modify existing deal(s). DupSoft will start in Edit mode that enables you to edit existing deals. (Requires that there are deals to be edited).

Export - Export the current set of deals to another location, or PC.  (Requires that deals are available)

Dealmaster Pro - Starts Dealmaster with the active set of deals or, if no deals have been created, imports deals from Dealmaster into BOS automatically.


Start duplication
- Starts duplication of the active set of deals. (Requires that deals are available)

Hardware diagnostics - Starts diagnostics for the BridgeSorter and Duplimate machine respectively.

Teaching Sorter is used to teach card designs that are not recognized by the BridgeSorter. You are guided through the process by the program.

You will find further advice by clicking on the ? button in the dialogs that appear.


Start scoring
- Opens a sub menu in which you can select your preferred scoring program, or open a database to be used by BridgeTabs.


- Generates Handrecords with makable contracts and optimum results (if available).  (Requires that deals are available)

Web publish - Publishes web pages with deals and results on the Internet. See Web Publish for more information, (Requires Internet connection and that there are results for the current event.)

Web publish admin - Allows you to administrate your own, dedicated web account. See further separate memo. (Only available so long as there are no results)


Deep Finesse - Step by step analysis of a deal (double dummy)  (Requires that deals are available)

Vugraph - Displays the deals in BBO format. See the Manual for advice on how to enter auction, play and comments.  (Requires that deals are available)


(only shown in full mode)

Convert deal file - Converts to/from a wide range of deal formats (other than .dlm, .dup, .lin and .pbn). Note that  you have to use The Import option to bring the converted deals into the BOS event.

Find distribution - Locates a specific distribution among all deals

Statistics - Creates statistics of all deals in all events

TOPS - Load TOPS deals. TOPS is a series of prescored hands. See further Jannersten Forlag's web site.


This function is explained on a separate page.

BOS (only)

index sitemap advanced
search engine by freefind

DupSoft (only)

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BT app (only)

index sitemap advanced
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BT Admin (only)

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BSC (only)

index sitemap advanced
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