BSC Menus


Import deals
can be used to import the deals belonging to the current BOS event, Note that import is automatic at the start of BSC. c.f. Deals page.

Export deals file is used when the players enter the deals at the table. c.f. Deals page.

Import player names is explained on a separate page

Load movement is useful when you have changed the movement, the assignments and/or names in the Scoring program and want these changes to come through immediately. (If you do nothing it will take up to 60 seconds before BSC detects the changes in the database.)

Print settings sets the printer to be used by BSC.

Web publish uploads deals (if available) and results; and generates web pages that are immediately available on the Internet, c.f. separate page.

Global search

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Hand Records
require that the scores are available; BSC won't show the HandRecord option if that is not the case. The deals should also be available, but that is not a must. c.f. the Deals page. The dialog that follows is explained on the Print page. Results per board is explained on a separate page.

Results per board can be used to view and amend results and/or biddings. The function is explained on a separate page.

Bidding log opens a file with all auction details listed. This list is useful at rulings and to settle arguments.

Logged results This command will list the results that the tabletops have sent to BSC in chronological order. The function is useful as a last resort if you, for example, accidentally have updated the movement from round 1 (i.e. you have erased all results in the database).

PIN codes displays the TD's and the players' PIN codes.

Player names displays the ID-numbers that the players have registered at the start and their corresponding names (if available).

Personal recaps generates a simple text file where the results are player oriented. Note that you must highlight the pair that you want a recap for in the main interface to activate this function. Once highlighted you can type Ctrl-R.)

Temporary results shows all results in a condensed format. (The Results  per board shows the results deal wise and Personal Recap player wise.)


(F2/F4) has the same effect as clicking on the Start/Stop button in the main interface.

Settings displays the Game Settings dialog.


displays the channel setting that is used by BridgeScorers. This setting is disregarded when BridgeTabs are used.

Default settings displays the Default Settings dialog

Forced start is a command that can be used when the Start with new movement button does not appear as expected. Forced start implies that the new (changed) movement will come into effect immediately. That is to say, the Scorers will not need to come to their Start position before the new movement is downloaded to them.

The Forced start procedure is not risk free, why should study the manual and/or the Movement Change page carefully before using this option.

Path to Bridgemate/pad is entered here when you use this type of tabletops in addition to BridgeTabs.

Preferences is explained on a separate page.

Upgrade firmware displays the dialog that controls the upgrade of the BridgeScorer table top units (not BridgeTabs). 

F1 displays the start screen of the help site. You can switch between online and offline help in
Preferences.You can use the Personal Help option that you find in BridgeTab Admin's Help menu if you do not find what you are looking for in the inbuilt help.


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