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Group & table no.

It can happen that you have to select group before you can enter table number.

The table numbers are defined by the TD and you can only select a table that exists in the movement and have not yet been taken by other players.

Please verify that you have selected the correct group if you would get “Table doesn’t exist” or “Table taken” BEFORE you call the TD.

Table doesn’t exist
You need to call the TD if you have been told to play at a certain table and the BridgeTab tells you “Table doesn’t exist” when you enter that number.

Table taken
You need to call the TD when you have verified that you entered the assigned number and are informed that table no. has been taken.

TD note
Consider to swap the BridgeTabs concerned if “the other table” has not yet entered their player ID.

Your choice of table no. must be confirmed by the central control program. Please call the TD if you get a warning telling that there is a problem.

TD note
See separate page for advice on how to solve communication problems.


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