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Sorter speed

You can set the sorting speed in this dialog. Note that it takes a few duplications before the set speed is reached when the machine has been used for a while.

Optimum speed
Optimum speed is when the operator and the machine work in tempo.

You should first of all check that the computer does not delay the process if you have to wait for the machine to finish sorting.

It is not a good idea to increase the injection speed in an attempt to compensate for a slow computer as it will make the system more error prone (see what we write about too high speed below). .

High speed -> high stack
Note that high speed implies that the stack of cards in the hopper also need to be high. That is to say, you need to top up the hopper if you want to run at top speed. And the other way around; you should reduce the speed if you for some reason (best known to yourself) want to duplicate with only one deck in the hopper.

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