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You can use Diagnostics to check that the machine works as it should.

First of all you need to Connect (when the machine is ON and connected to the PC with the USB cable).

A number of options will appear when the program has established contact with the machine.

Tick the gate that you want to open. Remember to un-tick within 2 minutes as the solenoid might otherwise get overheated.

Tick repeating to test that the gate operates as it should. The sound should have the same tempo all the time; a stuttering sound indicates a problem.

The best continuation is to try "Sort deck". The other buttons can be used if the Sort Deck test reveals a problem that you need to study in detail.

Do like this:
i. Click the Turn on (camera) button. You will now see the bottom card analyzed ("KS" in the example).

ii. Click "Save image" if the card is not correctly recognized (see tooltip in the upper left corner of the image).

Details (Duplimate)
Use the Details button when told by support to do so. A series of analysis will take place if you have a Duplimate Mk V when you press the (forward) Tab button.

Remember to Report Problem when you are done, i.e. before quitting Diagnostics.

Black photos
Please restart Windows if the camera is on but the image all black. Do NOT start BOS; instead start the Camera app via Windows search utility. Contact upport if the Camera app would not show an image.

You must click the Report Problem button before quitting Diagnostics if you want to file a report related to Diagnostics.

Please state what happened (and NOT happened!) as clearly as possible when you Report Problem.

Duplimates of the 4.x type also has a test mode (alt+shift+F10) that distributes 13 cards to N/E/W/S respectively

DupSoft (only)

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BOS (only)

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BT app (only)

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BT Admin (only)

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BSC (only)

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