NEW DESIGN Teaching is needed when the card design that you use is not recognized by the BridgeSorter.
It is crucial for the card recognition that you follow these instructions, or the video, to the dot when you teach the machine a new card design.
1. TEACHING ORDER The cards MUST be taught in ascending rank order. i.e. with the club 2 first and the ace of spades last.
2. NAME You also have to select the type of indices and enter an intuitive design name such as e.g. "Nintendo plastic".
3. CLICKING First click on the rank and be careful to click on the print, not "inside" the 6, 8, 9, or 10. Then click on the suit.
Bad click Click on a white area to reset your selection if you would make a mistake.
Bad image It can also happen that there is something wrong with the image that makes it impossible to click so that the contour is properly encircled. The green line must follow the contour of the index (as shown to the right) and not deviate as shown below.
You need to rotate the card 180 degrees and use the RELOAD IMAGE (button to the right) if the picture would be impossible to click correctly.