The Owner & hardware settings dialog is either reached via the System menu or ctrl+O.
It is important that the requested information is filled in correctly to ensure correct support and functionality.
BRIDGESORTER & DUPLIMATE A licence is required to run BridgeSorter and Duplimate Mk V machines with this version of the software. See further the licence page in BOS.
BridgeSorter The BridgeSorter selection enables a Settings button leading to speed settings.
Duplimate You find the Duplimate machine number on the back panel in large digits.
Duplimate Mk III and IV have numbers up to 1699 and Duplimate Mk V numbers range from 1700 and up.
The Mk V selection enables a button with settings that are explained on the Hardware Settings page.
HandyDup Select this alternative if you sort the cards with a HandyDup.
You can let the setting stay on Duplimate if you use HandyDup as a temporary replacement of a Duplimate Mk IV.
No dealing machine Select this alternative if you do not have any dealing machine.
CHANGE OF HARDWARE Note that you have to close Dupsoft and restart BOS whenever the hardware has been changed to BridgeSorter or Duplimate Mk V from another hardware setting. (Click Resume in BOS to revert to the event.)
IMPOSSIBLE COMBINATION You will be alerted by the "Hardware mismatch" message if the settings that you have entered do not match the connected hardware.
REVERSED SORT ORDER Press Alt-Shift-R to change the sort order from N-E-W-S to S-W-E-N, c.f. the Reversed sort order page.